When Whales and Dolphins (cetaceans) are caught and drown in fishing nets, it's called Cetacean Bycatch.
It is the single largest threat to all Whales and Dolphins!
Future Oceans Pingers prevent Cetacean Bycatch.
What are Pingers?
Pingers are small acoustic alarms that are easily attached to fishing nets. Whales and Dolphins hear the Pingers.
If Pingers were used on all nets over 1,000 whales and dolphins could be saved from drowning every day!
Pingers are the only scientifically proven solution to prevent cetacean bycatch.
Leading marine scientists refer to cetacean bycatch as:
“The grossest abuse of wild animals in the modern world.”
Are using Pingers today. 125 countries have fisheries that need Pingers. We have a long way to go.
1,000 Whales and Dolphins drown unnecessarily in nets without Pingers every day.
The number of fishing vessels that should be using Pingers. Less than 10% use Pingers today.
The are 220,000+ plus gill net fishing vessels in the world that each need 25 Pingers.
Raising awareness of the importance of our oceans through the protection of whales, dolphins and other marine wildlife.
Project Locations
Future Oceans Pingers are currently in use in over 40 countries worldwide.
Our Pingers are used by researchers in scientific experiments, by non-profit organizations in efforts to deliver Pingers to artisanal fishermen in developing countries and to fishermen who use them voluntarily or under Government mandates.
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